The Effects of Drug Abuse on Youths
Written by Oluwanifemi Adeoye
Year 6 (2020/2021)
What is a drug? In its positive state, drugs are a result of rigorous scientific research to solve human medical problems. For instance, there are drugs that have been produced and used by human beings for solving health conditions like Malaria, body pains, stomach disorder, HIV etc. These drugs are meant to save lives and promote healthy living among the people – children, youth and adult alike.
However, like every other thing in life, some people will always misuse or inappropriately apply either deliberately or unknowingly. We have cases of Drug Abuse, which is the illegal or inappropriate use of drugs. Drug is also abused when over-the-counter drugs are used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in excessive amounts.
The question then is in what ways can we abuse drugs? The following examples will provide a guide:
- Taking drugs prescribed for someone else.
- Take extra doses or use a drug other than the prescribed dose.
- Take the drug for a non-medical reason.
- Taking hard drugs like cocaine, heroine etc. through injection, inhaling or swallowing.
Drug abuse is a major problem in the society and it is done mostly among the youths of today. The youths engage in drug for many reasons which include the following:
- increase physical performance.
- To manage stress
- For pleasure
- Peer pressure
- Depression
- Experimenting
The negative effect of Drug abuse on the people especially the youths and the nation cannot be over emphasized. Drug abuse can lead to major health issues like emotional and psychological disorder, job loss, stroke, sleeping disorder, truancy, seizure, violence and even death.
Having seen the negative impact of drug abuse, how can we prevent it? Prevention starts mainly from parents, and this can be achieved by the following:
- Communication: Parents should talk openly with their youth about it and listen to them
- Set boundaries: This means that parents should make their expectations known early. It is important when setting boundaries with your youths.
- Be available: It is essential that as you set boundaries and communicate. Your youth should also know that you will always be there for them.
- Provide guidance and clear rules about not using drugs.
- Parents should lead by example by not abusing drugs themselves.
I want to advice all parents to be there for their children because they are their heritage and on the side of youths they should always listen to the good counsel of their parents. The youths should also take responsibility for their future and life. It is not good to be involved in things that will affect our wonderful future and aspirations. We should learn to say NO to peer pressure and not involve in drug abuse in whatever form.
Feature Image Photo Credit: Unsplash/Michael Longmire