The Impact of Social Media on Education
Written by Jennifer Okoro
Year 12 (2020/2021)
In the world today, social media has become very influential in many aspects. It affects our personal, social, economic and academic life. Social media motivates people in so many ways. It is drastically and continuously changing lives positively and negatively. Social media impacts education through the dissemination of information. It has its merits and demerits which have some direct relevance to education.
For starters, the concept of social media brings its advantages to light. Around the world, people use social media to gather certain information that is relevant in their educational pursuits. They can join educational groups and gather information from educational websites, blogs, Instagram, Twitter etc.
In the same vein, a variety of social media platforms can be used to promote a product or service. For instance, educational books that are not within easy reach may be advertised on social media thereby giving such books a wider publicity coverage. Many children and adults can stay educated through these various platforms.
On the other hand, to everything created or invented, there are two sides; good and bad. Social media has created a dangerous world for our generation. Over the last decade, there have been thousands of suicide cases as a result of cyber bulling or other cyber crimes. Cyber bulling is basically referred to as the use of the internet to harm somebody’s life. It is a deeply concerning matter. Unfortunately, the education sector has had it’s fair share with some students committing suicide because of cyber bullying.
In addition, with the invention of technology, many students are often distracted from their studies. Students have shown a great level of commitment on social media when it comes to posting and likes whereas in their studies, many tend to show a poor level of performance. Many students are not disciplined. They spend too much time on apps like Snap Chat, Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram. These apps are distracting to a student despite the popularities. Students all over the world have forgotten or ignored the adage which says, ‘There is time for everything’ The advice here is for them to leave Facebook and face their books.
In a nutshell, the impact of social media on education swings both ways. In spite of the pros and cons, I stand by the opinion of some that social media is a terribly ravishing force that is currently sucking out the essence of education today. In order to be hardworking, noble and determined, students all over the world have to make a change. Being disciplined and knowing when to say no to social media can empower us to say yes to achieve our dreams by staying educated and not deprived. Diligence is a key factor for education while social media, if not properly managed, can be a key detriment to anyone’s education.
Photo Credit: Bruce Mars, Sara Kurfess,/Unsplash